Find a qualified therapist for all your Mind Body needs, Physio, acupuncture, reiki, reflexology, massage, beauty therapy and many more.
People search for a therapist for many different reasons, stress, anxitey or physical trauma, accident or Injury. At therapy Rooms we cater for both the mind and body.
We have qualified and trained Therapists to manage all your needs, use the contact form above to ask a question or browse our list of therapists.
Psychotherapy , Psychotherapy, Counselling, Person-centered therapy, 3+ more
Updated: 06.02.2024
Counselling , Behavioural Therapy, CBT, Family Therapy, 13+ more
Updated: 11.03.2024
Psychotherapy , Behavioural Therapy, CBT, Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, 24+ more
Updated: 16.07.2024
Counselling , Behavioural Therapy, CBT, Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, 7+ more
Updated: 06.02.2024
Psychotherapy , Behavioural Therapy, CBT, Dialectical behavior therapy, 18+ more
Updated: 12.04.2024
Counselling , Behavioural Therapy, CBT, Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, 7+ more
Updated: 06.02.2024
Hypnotherapy , Stress management, Solution-focused brief therapy, Meditation, 5+ more
Updated: 08.04.2024
Belief Coding , Kinesiology, Emotional Freedom Technique, Recall Healing, 1+ more
Updated: 05.03.2024
Counselling , Brief psychotherapy, Stress management, Counselling, 6+ more
Updated: 06.03.2024
Counselling , CBT, Counselling, Person-centered therapy, 4+ more
Updated: 23.02.2024
Psychotherapy , CBT, Gestalt therapy, Art therapy, 5+ more
Updated: 03.09.2024
Psychologist , Systemic therapy, Psychologist, Integrative Therapist, 1+ more
Updated: 27.03.2024
Homeopathy , Preventive healthcare, Diet & Nutrition, Alternative medicine, 2+ more
Updated: 25.01.2024
Life Coaching , Behavioural Therapy, CBT, Preventive healthcare, 10+ more
Updated: 14.02.2024
Counselling , CBT, Psychotherapy, Counselling, 5+ more
Updated: 15.03.2024
Integrative Therapist , Gestalt therapy, Psychotherapy, Counselling, 5+ more
Updated: 25.03.2024